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Werden Sie Botschafter von Noota, dem besten AI-Meeting-Tool auf dem Markt. Verdienen Sie bis zu 30% der Zahlungen Ihrer Partner. Gerade jetzt.
Leadership & Productivity Expert
"Noota is my trusted companion in my everyday professional and academic life"
Leadership & Productivity Expert
Antoine H.
Recruiter at Mercato de l’emloi
“Noota helps me make more informed and aligned recruitment decisions"
Recruiter at Mercato de l’emloi
Arnaud L.
CEO at Good Recruiter
"Noota improves the reliability of our interview data".
CEO at Good Recruiter
Recruiter at Complément RH

"With Noota, I can fully focus on my candidates without worrying about note-taking".
Recruiter at Complément RH

Beatrice A.
Recruiter at CO-CTO
"Noota enables me to structure my candidate data so I can objectively assess their skills."
Recruiter at CO-CTO
Neil O.
Marketing consultant at OBVI-US
"Noota provides key insights that enriches my interactions with my clients"
Marketing consultant at OBVI-US
Quentin T.
Recruiter at Effectual Impact
"By integrating into my project management tool, Noota automatically generate next steps from my meetings".
Recruiter at Effectual Impact
Nathan M.
Coach at We already are free
"Noota gives me an automatic and precise summary of each coaching session".
Coach at We already are free
Consultant at Conseiller Numérique.ca

"Noota gives me a summary of all the points raised in my client meetings".
Consultant at Conseiller Numérique.ca

Benoît, Team Leader at NSC Global
"Noota gives me a virtual presence at meetings I can't attend. "
Benoît, Team Leader at NSC Global

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