
Top NLP innovations in 2022

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Human language is quite different from machine language. NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that analyzes the meaning of our language and integrates it into computer programs using complex algorithms. It is a real interface between computer science and linguistics.

I/Origin of the NLP 🔍

The first NLP experiments were carried out in the aftermath of the Second World War. At that time, it was a symbolic approach, which means that artificial intelligence was based on data and very strict rules that were imposed on it in order to perform one or more tasks in a specific expert domain (a process called "rules based"). The goal was not to have a human-like intelligence that would be able to adapt, but rather to create expert systems.

The first applications were mainly based on translation.

Then, it is in the 80s that NLP will really emerge and improve even more, thanks to machine learning algorithms. The machines then became more autonomous and were able to create rules automatically, based on learning from the data they were given. We are talking about a new approach, called "statistical".

Finally, the important step that marked NLP in the 2000s is the one of "deep learning" with the implementation of artificial neural networks. The difference between deep learning and machine learning is the extraction of automatic features.

*The artificial neural network is a computational model whose design is very schematically inspired by the functioning of biological neurons. In modeling biological circuits, they allow to test some functional hypotheses from neurophysiology, or the consequences of these hypotheses to compare them to the real" definition from

Today, with the continuous improvement of machine learning algorithms, NLP is booming.

II/The different methods used in

In NLP, there are various methods. However, the main ones used remain :

Syntactic analysis

Syntactic analysis consists of identifying the grammatical rules in a sentence in order to decipher its meaning. It is based on the vocabulary used and on the syntactic rules to understand the relationships between words.

Semantic analysis

Semantic analysis focuses on the meaning of the text and the messages conveyed. It is based on complex algorithms to analyze words, feelings, sentence structure or to compare data between them.

Lexical analysis is a branch of semantic analysis. It allows to extract the elements of the text (words or groups of words) in order to relate them, to understand their meaning, and to classify them according to their grammatical category.

Propositional analysis, also called propositional semantics, aims to reveal the meaning of the whole sentence. This analysis is based on the meaning of each word and its relationship with its surroundings.

Pragmatic analysis

This completes the semantic analysis by providing a context. The enunciation situation and the interlocutor's universe are then taken into account. It is therefore necessary to make deductions or interpret what has been said, which is not always easy for artificial intelligence.

III/Recent advances in NLP 🚀

Analysis of feelings

Also called "opinion mining", sentiment analysis extracts subjective information from a text or an exchange in order to understand the opinion of the interlocutor. The arguments or answers given will then be judged as positive, negative or neutral.

This tool is recent, rapidly expanding and becoming very popular with companies in the social media, marketing and advertising sectors.

Sentiment analysis provides valuable information to help make decisions and develop strategies to achieve better business goals. This information can be about your brand's critics, the competition, current customers or customer feedback from new international markets.

Automatic transcription

Automatic transcription is also recent and in full development. It consists in converting an audio file into text.

Manual transcription is very long and requires a lot of patience. This is why many players have entered this market, which is now experiencing strong competition.

Do you have to transcribe many interviews on a daily basis ? Don't hesitate to try Noota. It is an intuitive, accessible and efficient software ! In 15 minutes, your audio is entirely transcribed. All you have to do is read over and modify what you want, what a time saver !

Automatic summaries and reports

Beyond transcription, automatic reports and summaries are now available thanks to the progress of NLP. Artificial intelligence identifies the different speakers, extracts the actions and the keywords in order to produce a real report or summary tailored to your needs! All you have to do is to express your needs (report for more details or summary to keep a common thread) and the AI takes care of the rest.


Today, chatbots are present on a quarter of all company websites. They are still imperfect systems, but they are capable of handling standard tasks such as answering a customer question or informing them about a product/service. They are used through different channels such as the internet, social networks or messaging platforms.

Semantic search

Semantic search is actually ubiquitous. It concerns search engines, digital assistance agents, connected and smart speakers… This field is also in development and being improved.

Semantic search aims to improve the customer experience by providing individualized answers that clearly respond to the query expressed. It takes into account the context and compares the words used by the user with those in its database. This allows it to propose several answers corresponding to the request.

Document classification

Here, the artificial intelligence will be able to extract key information in order to assign a category to the document in question. This can be done on the basis of "article topic" for example.

Conclusion 💡

These advances reflect what AI encompasses and what it is capable of doing. However, this is just the beginning and these systems are expected to improve significantly over the next few years.

To get an idea of future applications, current projects include (among others):

  • The human-machine interface (HMI)

The man-machine interfaces already exist, but they are in full mutation. It is a dashboard (screen) allowing the user to communicate with a computer program. For example, in a car, the driver can control the air conditioning, the lighting or the radio. These control instruments then refer to the car's HMI.

The HMI is an integral part of the customer experience. It is these interfaces that provide access to intuitive, modern and efficient platforms. The open platform architecture of tomorrow's HMI solutions will provide more functionality and application connectivity to ensure greater freedom of use.

Among the future projects of the HMI we also find the brain-to-text. As its name indicates, it would use brain waves to convert human thoughts into text.

But there is still a lot of work to do before we get there !

  • No code platforms

No Code would allow digital content creators to develop more simply. There would be no need to code and the user's task would be more intuitive.

This means that the developer doesn't need to have too much technical knowledge, he can give free rein to his creativity and benefits from a better accessibility to the platforms. The idea is to improve and accelerate the creation of projects, as coding can sometimes be very time-consuming and requires a lot of knowledge.

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¿Cómo ayuda Noota a los equipos de contratación a ahorrar tiempo?
Automatiza las transcripciones de las entrevistas, genera informes estructurados de los candidatos y actualiza los registros del ATS, lo que elimina las horas de trabajo manual
¿Puede Noota analizar las habilidades y habilidades sociales de los candidatos?
¡Sí! Extrae y organiza las respuestas de los candidatos, proporcionando información sobre las calificaciones, el estilo de comunicación y los niveles de confianza.
¿Cómo apoya Noota a los equipos de ventas?
Registra las llamadas de ventas, rastrea las principales objeciones, identifica las señales de compra y se integra con los CRM para un seguimiento automatizado.
¿Puede Noota ayudar en la gestión de proyectos y la toma de decisiones?
Sí, captura las discusiones de las reuniones, destaca las conclusiones clave y garantiza la alineación al hacer que las reuniones anteriores se puedan buscar fácilmente.
¿Qué plataformas admite Noota para la grabación y la transcripción?
Funciona con Google Meet, Zoom, Teams, Webex e incluso con reuniones presenciales, y ofrece una transcripción de alta precisión en más de 50 idiomas.
¿Se integra Noota con CRM, ATS y herramientas de productividad?
¡Sí! Se conecta con Salesforce, HubSpot, BullHorn, Notion, Slack y muchos más, lo que garantiza una transferencia de datos fluida.
¿Puede Noota generar correos electrónicos e informes de seguimiento automáticamente?
Sí, redacta correos electrónicos en función del contenido de la reunión y crea informes estructurados para que nunca te pierdas un elemento de acción.
¿Cómo garantiza Noota la seguridad y el cumplimiento?
Todos los datos se cifran, se almacenan en los centros de datos de la UE y cumplen con los estrictos estándares de cumplimiento, incluidos el RGPD, SOC2 e ISO 27001.
¿Qué es el resumen personalizado y para qué sirve?
El resumen personalizado es una plantilla que le permite estructurar las actas de la reunión. ¡Puedes crear tantos resúmenes personalizados como quieras!
¿Puedo transcribir un archivo de audio o vídeo que ya he grabado?
Sí, puede transcribir un documento que ya se ha grabado. Simplemente súbelo a la interfaz de Noota.
¿Cómo funciona la grabación, con o sin un bot?
Puedes grabar de dos maneras: usando la extensión Noota o conectando tu calendario.

En el primer caso, puedes activar directamente la grabación en cuanto te unas a una videoconferencia.

En el segundo caso, puedes añadir un bot a tu videoconferencia, que grabará todo.
¿Puedo transcribir y traducir a otro idioma?
Hay más de 80 idiomas y dialectos disponibles para la transcripción.

Noota también te permite traducir tus archivos a más de 30 idiomas.
¿Es segura la integración de datos en mi ATS?
Sí, los datos de su entrevista se transmiten de forma segura a su ATS.
¿Cómo funciona la inteligencia conversacional?
La inteligencia conversacional se basa en el análisis de la PNL de las palabras y la entonación utilizadas por cada participante para identificar las emociones y las percepciones conductuales.
¿Por qué es importante realizar entrevistas estructuradas?
Numerosos estudios han demostrado la precisión, eficiencia y objetividad de las entrevistas estructuradas. Al hacer las mismas preguntas a cada candidato de la misma manera, se agiliza el proceso de entrevista y se reduce la influencia del sesgo cognitivo.
¿Por qué debo generar un informe de entrevista?
Un informe de entrevista ayuda a agrupar información estandarizada sobre sus candidatos, compartirla con todas las partes interesadas y objetivar su evaluación. Los datos claros y estructurados le permiten tomar decisiones de contratación más informadas.
¿Cómo se generan los anuncios de empleo?
Nuestro generador de anuncios de empleo aprovecha los últimos LLM para convertir los datos de su reunión o resumen en una descripción de trabajo llamativa y fácil de leer.
¿Tengo que cambiar la forma en que realizo las entrevistas?
No, Noota es solo una asistente para tu trabajo. Puede continuar realizando entrevistas como lo hace hoy. Para mejorar la precisión del informe, debe personalizar las plantillas de entrevistas en función de su lista de preguntas actual.
¿Puedo eliminar mis datos de Noota?
Sí, solo tiene que utilizar la función de eliminación de nuestra interfaz y, en un plazo de 24 horas, habremos eliminado estos datos de nuestra base de datos.
¿Puedo grabar mis reuniones por teléfono o en persona?
Sí, Noota incluye una grabadora integrada para capturar el sonido del ordenador y, pronto, del teléfono.
¿Los candidatos tienen acceso a las notas de la IA?
No, tú administras la accesibilidad de los datos que registras. Si quieres compartirlo con ellos a modo de comentario, puedes hacerlo. De lo contrario, no podrán acceder a ella.
¿Noota evalúa a los candidatos?
No, Noota graba, transcribe y resume sus entrevistas. Le ayuda a tomar decisiones informadas con información clara sobre el candidato. Sin embargo, no sustituye sus propias habilidades de juicio y evaluación.