
Top Alternatives to TLDV

You want to know the best substitutes to TLDVS for meeting recording and minutes services ? Here are our top picks.

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get the work donefor any meeting

Finding TLDV isn't fully meeting your transcription and meeting documentation needs?

Whether it’s issues with accuracy, limited features, or integration capabilities, there are several strong alternatives that might suit you better.

This article will guide you through the top TLDV alternatives, detailing their features, pros and cons, and pricing to help you make an informed decision.

Why Consider Alternatives to TLDV?

TLDV is a widely-used AI meeting assistant known for recording, transcribing, and summarizing meetings on platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. While TLDV offers many benefits, there are several issues you might encounter that could lead you to seek alternatives :

  • Transcription and Language Support : TLDV supports transcription in over 30 languages, which is beneficial for international teams. The platform is praised for delivering transcripts almost immediately after meetings. However, you might find that TLDV's transcriptions sometimes contain errors, especially with names and technical jargon.
  • Meeting Management and Usability :TLDV allows you to create bite-sized video clips from meetings, making it easier to share key moments with team members or clients who couldn’t attend. This feature saves you time by providing quick access to important sections of the meeting. However, you might experience usability issues, such as difficulties organizing and searching through video libraries.
  • Pricing and Plans :TLDV offers a free plan with unlimited recordings and transcripts, which is advantageous for small teams or individual users. However, if you have a larger team, the cost can quickly add up, making TLDV an expensive option compared to other tools that offer similar functionalities​​.
  • Customer Support and Reliability : Customer support for TLDV is generally well-regarded, with responsive assistance available even on the free plan. However, you might encounter occasional technical issues, such as problems joining Zoom meetings or delays in receiving transcripts.

Meeting Recorder Alternatives to TLDV

There are other meeting recorder alternatives to TLDV that can significantly enhance your productivity and documentation accuracy. Here are five top alternatives to TLDV, each with unique features, pros, cons, and pricing details to help you make an informed decision.


Noota offers real-time recording, allowing you to focus on conversations without worrying about taking notes. It integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like Zoom, Teams, and Meet. Its speech recognition technology is particularly accurate for French and supports over 50 languages.

It also connects to Aircall and Ringover for call transcriptions and allows sharing on Notion and Slack, creating efficient workflows. Noota ensures enterprise-level security with double encryption and data sovereignty on a European platform.


  • Accurate transcription with multilingual support.
  • Strong integration with various business tools.
  • High security and data privacy standards.


  • Some features might require a learning curve.
  • Customization may be needed to fully leverage all capabilities. integrates with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, and offers features like slide capture and real-time collaboration.


  • Accurate real-time transcription.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Free plan available.


  • Limited language support.
  • Lacks integrated video recording.


  • Free plan with basic features.
  • Pro plan: $10 per user/month.
  • Business plan: $20 per user/month​.

Sembly AI

Sembly AI offers a comprehensive meeting assistant that records all your meetings. It supports 35 languages and includes features like AI-generated meeting summaries, action item extraction, and integration with platforms like Google Meet and Zoom.


  • Extensive language support.
  • AI-generated insights and summaries.
  • Integration with popular conferencing tools.


  • Complex pricing structure.
  • Limited customization options.


  • Free forever plan available.
  • Professional plan: $10/month.
  • Team plan: $20/month​.


Fathom specializes in real-time meeting highlights and transcription. It integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, and offers features like speaker recognition, time markers, and real-time note-taking.


  • Real-time highlighting.
  • Speaker recognition.
  • Unlimited meeting recordings.


  • Limited language support.
  • Requires desktop app for some features.


  • Free plan available.
  • Team Edition Standard: $24/user/month.
  • Team Edition Pro: $29/user/month​.

Meeting Minutes Alternatives to TLDV

Better than meeting recorder, meeting minutes tools enable you to access structured and action-driven meeting summaries. Here are five top alternatives to TLDV that excel in creating and managing meeting minutes :


Noota is an all-in-one AI note-taking tool It offers automated recording and real-time transcription, allowing you to focus on the conversation without worrying about missing details. Noota allows you to customize meeting minutes templates to fit different meeting types, ensuring relevance and clarity. With effortless sharing capabilities, you can easily distribute meeting minutes to your team, keeping everyone on the same page.

Noota integrates seamlessly with platforms like Zoom, Teams, and Meet. Its speech recognition technology is particularly accurate and supports over 50 languages. The tool automates the documentation of meetings by summarizing transcripts into structured minutes, which can be shared with your team. Integration with ATS and CRM applications like Beetween, Greenhouse, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Sellsy makes Noota highly versatile. It also connects to Aircall and Ringover for call transcriptions and allows sharing on Notion and Slack, creating efficient workflows.

Noota ensures enterprise-level security with double encryption and data sovereignty on a European platform.


  • Accurate multilingual transcription.
  • Strong integration with various business tools.
  • High security and data privacy standards.


  • Some features might require a learning curve.
  • Customization may be needed to fully leverage all capabilities.


Descript is a versatile tool that combines transcription with audio and video editing capabilities. It offers text-based editing, allowing you to edit audio and video files as easily as text. Descript’s overdub voice synthesis and screen recording features make it a powerful tool for content creators and teams looking to streamline their meeting documentation process.

Descript provides interactive transcripts with speaker labels and timestamps, enabling you to create detailed meeting minutes quickly. Its cloud-based platform ensures that your data is accessible from anywhere, and collaborative features allow multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously.


  • Unique text-based editing.
  • Overdub voice synthesis for creative flexibility.
  • Collaboration features for teams.


  • No free tier.
  • Limited traditional video editing features.


  • Free plan available with limited features.
  • Creator plan: $12/user/month.
  • Pro plan: $24/user/month.
  • Enterprise plan: Custom pricing​​.


Grain is designed for sales teams, providing call transcription and analysis with AI-generated summaries. It integrates with CRM tools like Salesforce and HubSpot, making it a robust tool for managing sales meetings.

Grain captures key moments during meetings, creating concise video clips that highlight important points. This feature is beneficial for reviewing and sharing crucial meeting moments with stakeholders. Grain’s integration with CRM systems ensures that all meeting insights are directly tied to your customer data, improving follow-up actions and sales strategies.


  • Detailed call transcription and analysis.
  • Integration with CRM tools.
  • AI-generated summaries.


  • Primarily focused on sales.
  • Higher cost for advanced features.


  • Basic: $15/month.
  • Business: $29/month.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing.


Avoma provides end-to-end AI meeting and coaching assistance with automatic transcription, summarization, and analysis. It offers actionable insights and integrates with CRM systems.

Avoma is particularly useful for coaching and training purposes, as it allows managers to review meetings and provide feedback based on detailed transcripts and summaries. The platform’s integration with CRM tools ensures that all meeting data is linked to your customer records, enhancing follow-up actions and improving overall customer interactions.


  • Comprehensive meeting analysis.
  • CRM integration.
  • AI-generated notes.


  • Best features are behind paywalls.
  • Limited to English-speaking users.


  • Free plan available.
  • Paid plans start at $24/month​.

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Dimentica di prendere appunti e
prova subito Noota


In che modo Noota aiuta i team di reclutamento a risparmiare tempo?
Automatizza le trascrizioni delle interviste, genera report strutturati sui candidati e aggiorna i record ATS, eliminando le ore di lavoro manuale
Noota è in grado di analizzare le competenze e le competenze trasversali dei candidati?
Sì! Estrae e organizza le risposte dei candidati, fornendo informazioni sulle qualifiche, sullo stile di comunicazione e sui livelli di fiducia.
In che modo Noota supporta i team di vendita?
Registra le chiamate di vendita, tiene traccia delle principali obiezioni, identifica i segnali di acquisto e si integra con i CRM per follow-up automatici.
Noota può aiutare nella gestione dei progetti e nel processo decisionale?
Sì, cattura le discussioni delle riunioni, evidenzia i punti chiave e garantisce l'allineamento rendendo le riunioni passate facilmente ricercabili.
Quali piattaforme supporta Noota per la registrazione e la trascrizione?
Funziona con Google Meet, Zoom, Teams, Webex e persino con riunioni di persona, offrendo una trascrizione ad alta precisione in oltre 50 lingue.
Noota si integra con CRM, ATS e strumenti di produttività?
Sì! Si connette con Salesforce, HubSpot, BullHorn, Notion, Slack e molti altri, garantendo un trasferimento dei dati senza intoppi.
Noota può generare automaticamente email e report di follow-up?
Sì, redige le e-mail in base al contenuto della riunione e crea report strutturati, in modo da non perdere mai un elemento d'azione.
In che modo Noota garantisce sicurezza e conformità?
Tutti i dati sono crittografati, archiviati nei data center dell'UE e soddisfano rigorosi standard di conformità, tra cui GDPR, SOC2 e ISO 27001.
Cos'è il riepilogo personalizzato e a cosa serve?
Il riepilogo personalizzato è un modello che consente di strutturare il verbale della riunione. Puoi creare tutti i riepiloghi personalizzati che desideri!
Posso trascrivere un file audio o video che ho già registrato?
Sì, puoi trascrivere un documento che è già stato registrato. Basta caricarlo sull'interfaccia Noota.
Come funziona la registrazione, con o senza bot?
Puoi registrare in due modi: usando l'estensione Noota o collegando il tuo calendario.

Nel primo caso, puoi attivare direttamente la registrazione non appena ti unisci a una videoconferenza.

Nel secondo caso, puoi aggiungere un bot alla tua videoconferenza, che registrerà tutto.
Posso trascrivere e tradurre in un'altra lingua?
Sono disponibili per la trascrizione oltre 80 lingue e dialetti.

Noota ti consente anche di tradurre i tuoi file in oltre 30 lingue.
L'integrazione dei dati nel mio ATS è sicura?
Sì, i dati del colloquio vengono trasmessi in modo sicuro al tuo ATS.
Come funziona l'intelligenza conversazionale?
L'intelligenza conversazionale si basa sull'analisi della PNL delle parole e dell'intonazione utilizzate da ciascun partecipante per identificare le emozioni e le intuizioni comportamentali.
Perché è importante condurre interviste strutturate?
Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato l'accuratezza, l'efficienza e l'obiettività delle interviste strutturate. Ponendo a ciascun candidato le stesse domande nello stesso modo, semplifichi il processo di intervista e riduci l'influenza dei pregiudizi cognitivi.
Perché dovrei generare un rapporto di intervista?
Un rapporto di intervista aiuta a mettere in comune informazioni standardizzate sui candidati, condividerle con tutte le parti interessate e oggettivare la valutazione. Dati chiari e strutturati consentono di prendere decisioni di assunzione più informate.
Come vengono generati gli annunci di lavoro?
Il nostro generatore di annunci di lavoro sfrutta i più recenti LLM per trasformare i dati della riunione o del brief in una descrizione del lavoro accattivante e di facile lettura.
Devo cambiare il modo in cui conduco le interviste?
No, Noota è solo un assistente al tuo lavoro. Puoi continuare a condurre interviste come fai oggi. Per migliorare l'accuratezza del rapporto, è necessario personalizzare i modelli di intervista in base all'elenco di domande esistente.
Posso rimuovere i miei dati da Noota?
Sì, basta usare la funzione di cancellazione sulla nostra interfaccia ed entro 24 ore avremo eliminato questi dati dal nostro database.
Posso registrare le mie riunioni al telefono o di persona?
Sì, Noota include un registratore integrato per acquisire suoni dal computer e presto dal telefono.
I candidati hanno accesso alle note AI?
No, gestisci l'accessibilità dei dati che registri. Se vuoi condividerlo con loro come feedback, puoi farlo. Altrimenti, non sarà accessibile a loro.
Noota valuta i candidati?
No, Noota registra, trascrive e riassume le tue interviste. Ti aiuta a prendere decisioni informate con informazioni chiare sul candidato. Ma non sostituisce le tue capacità di giudizio e valutazione.