Data… Information… It looks like a synonym, but is not. A data can indeed be an information and vice versa, however their definition remains quite different. Did we lose you? Don't panic, we explain everything !
I/ What is data? 🤔
Data is a raw, unorganized fact without context. It can be presented in different forms : numbers, text, characters, statements, etc. To make sense of it, the data must be processed by a human or a machine (have a glimpse at our article on machine learning). The transformation process is therefore necessary to give value to this data. When the data is raw we talk about "input", then with the transformation process (=analysis of the raw data) an information is born, also called an "output".

II/ What is information ? 🔍
As a result, information is data that has been processed and that has meaning. It is structured and presented in a way that is useful. The data is therefore transformed into information in order to keep only what is necessary. The main characteristics of information are accuracy, relevance, completeness and availability. It can be communicated in the form of message content or by observation and can be obtained in a variety of ways: in newspapers, on television, on the Internet, from people (word of mouth), in books, etc.
To go further in our reflection, we can say that the processed data becomes information, which, if correctly assimilated, becomes in turn knowledge (DIC model).

Conclusion 💡
At Noota, we attach great importance to the protection and respect of your data.
Need to transcribe an interview? You have many meetings on a daily basis, and you don't know how to keep all this information? You are a student and you have to do many interviews for your thesis ?
Whether you're a marketing, sales, healthcare or other professional → come try Noota !
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