
+35 Key Interview Questions to Ask an Interviewee

You want to know the right examples of questions to ask a candidate during an interview ? Here's a complete list.

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Interview questions can make or break your hiring efforts.

Ask the wrong ones—or worse, overlook key areas—and you risk missing out on top talent.

In this guide, we'll provide you with the must-have interview questions to assess a candidate's potential.

5 Questions to Start the Interview

The beginning of an interview sets the tone for the entire conversation. You want to create a comfortable environment for the candidate while also gaining valuable insights right from the start.

Here are some examples of effective opening questions :

  1. Tell me a little about yourself. This is a classic question for a reason—it gives candidates the chance to provide a summary of their career journey and personal background.
  2. What made you apply for this position? This question digs into motivation. Is the candidate genuinely interested in the role, or is it just another job for them?
  3. What do you know about our company? Candidates who are serious about the job will have taken the time to research your company.
  4. How did you hear about this opportunity? It helps you understand which recruitment channels are working, and it can also indicate whether the candidate has been following your company for a while or not.
  5. What are you hoping to achieve in your next role? This is where you start to get into their career aspirations.

10 Examples of Experience-Related Interview Questions

Experience-related interview questions are not just about hearing a candidate's story—they are about understanding how that person will fit into your team and contribute to your company's success. You need to go beyond the surface-level answers to find out what truly drives them.

Here are ten examples of experience-related questions you should use:

  1. Describe your most significant professional achievement. This question is non-negotiable. If a candidate cannot clearly articulate their biggest achievement, that’s a red flag.
  2. Walk me through a major project you were involved in recently. Don’t let candidates off easy with vague answers. Push for specifics—what were their responsibilities, what challenges did they face, and what were the outcomes?
  3. Why are you leaving your current employer? You can learn a lot from how candidates frame their reasons for leaving. Are they running from something or running toward growth?
  4. What one skill makes you the most qualified for this position? This is where candidates should sell themselves. If they don’t have a solid answer, they might not fully understand the role—or worse, they lack self-awareness.
  5. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond at work. If a candidate struggles to answer this, it may indicate a lack of initiative or passion.
  6. Describe a time when you had to overcome a significant challenge. Challenges are inevitable. What matters is how candidates tackle them
  7. What is one project you worked on that didn’t go as planned? Failure is a part of growth. You want candidates who can acknowledge their mistakes, learn from them, and pivot.
  8. How did you handle a situation where you had conflicting priorities? What you’re looking for here is not just how they handled it, but whether they made smart choices. Did they prioritize effectively, or did they get overwhelmed?
  9. What’s the most recent skill you learned, and how did you apply it? If they’re not learning, they’re stagnating. Candidates should be proactive about their professional development.
  10. Why do you want to leave your current role? This version of the question digs deeper into their motivations. Are they looking for growth opportunities or running away from a bad situation?

10 Examples of Soft Skills Questions to Ask

Soft skills are often the deciding factor in whether a candidate will thrive in your organization. Technical skills can be taught, but qualities like communication, empathy, and adaptability are harder to instill. These questions are designed to give you insight into how candidates handle interpersonal situations, work in a team, and approach challenges.

Here are ten examples of soft skills questions you should use:

  1. How do you handle constructive criticism? This question reveals the candidate’s ability to accept feedback.
  2. Can you tell me about a time when you had to work as part of a team? This question helps you see if the candidate knows how to share responsibilities.
  3. Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult coworker. Conflict is inevitable in any workplace. You want to understand how the candidate handles tension.
  4. How do you prioritize your tasks when everything seems urgent? Time management is a crucial soft skill.
  5. Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to a significant change at work. The candidate’s answer will show you if they are flexible and capable of thriving in uncertain situations.
  6. How do you handle stress? Stress is unavoidable, but how someone deals with it makes all the difference. Look for candidates who have healthy coping mechanisms and who can stay focused under pressure.
  7. Describe a situation where you had to persuade someone to see your point of view. Persuasion is an essential skill, especially for leadership roles.
  8. What motivates you to do your best work? This question is self-explanatory.
  9. Can you give me an example of a time when you had to learn something new quickly? Learning agility is a key soft skill.
  10. How do you ensure clear communication in your work?

10 Examples of Skill-Related Interview Questions

Skill-related interview questions help you evaluate whether the candidate has the technical expertise needed for the role.

Here are ten examples of skill-related questions you should use:

  1. What tools and technologies are you most familiar with for this role? Look for someone who is comfortable using the key systems your team relies on.
  2. Can you walk me through a challenging technical problem you’ve solved? Did they approach the problem logically? Did they demonstrate creativity in finding a solution?
  3. How do you stay updated with changes in your field? You need candidates who are committed to continuous learning.
  4. What is the most complex project you’ve worked on, and what was your role in it? This question gives you insight into their experience level and ability to contribute to large-scale projects.
  5. Can you provide an example of how you’ve used [specific skill] in a previous job? If a specific skill is crucial to the role, dig deep into their experience with it.
  6. How do you approach troubleshooting and resolving technical issues? Troubleshooting is a key part of many roles. You need someone who is methodical and effective in finding the root cause of issues and resolving them.
  7. What steps would you take if you were given a task that you were unfamiliar with?
  8. Describe a time when you had to learn a new skill quickly to complete a project. This question helps assess their willingness to push beyond their comfort zone.
  9. How do you ensure the quality and accuracy of your work? Attention to detail is essential for many roles.
  10. Can you explain a complex concept to someone without a technical background? Every candidate should know how to break down complex ideas into simple, understandable terms.

10 Examples of Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions helps you predict how they will respond to similar scenarios in your workplace. These questions aim to reveal a candidate’s concrete behavior, beyond what they just claim.

Here are ten examples of behavioral questions you should use:

  1. Can you tell me about a time when you faced a major challenge at work? This question gives insight into the candidate's resilience and problem-solving abilities.
  2. Describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision with limited information. The workplace is filled with ambiguity, and candidates must be comfortable making decisions without all the details.
  3. Tell me about a time when you failed. What did you learn from it? Candidates who shy away from discussing failure may lack the growth mindset your company needs.
  4. Give an example of a goal you set and how you achieved it. This question helps you understand the candidate's goal-setting process, perseverance, and commitment.
  5. Describe a time when you had to manage multiple priorities. Multi-tasking and prioritization are essential skills in almost every role.
  6. Tell me about a time when you had to take the lead on a project. Leadership is not just for managers. You need people who are willing to step up and take charge when needed.
  7. Describe a time when you received unexpected feedback from a supervisor. Negative or defensive reactions to feedback are to be assessed.
  8. Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult team member. This question helps you determine whether the candidate can navigate challenging interpersonal dynamics with professionalism and empathy.
  9. Describe a situation where you exceeded expectations.
  10. Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to significant change.

8 Examples of Cultural-Fit Interview Questions

Even if someone has the right skills and experience, a poor cultural fit can lead to dissatisfaction and higher turnover. These questions help you understand if the candidate’s values align with your organization’s and if they will contribute positively to your team dynamics.

Here are ten examples of cultural-fit questions you should use:

  1. What kind of work environment do you thrive in? Are they looking for a structured, quiet environment while your company is dynamic and fast-paced?
  2. Describe your ideal company culture. This question reveals the candidate's preferences when it comes to culture, values, and practices.
  3. What attracted you to our company specifically? This question shows if they took the time to research and understand what makes your company unique.
  4. Tell me about a time when you felt out of place at work. How did you handle it?
  5. What values are most important to you in a workplace? A candidate's core values need to align with your company's. If they prioritize flexibility and your company has a rigid structure, it might not be the best match.
  6. How do you handle work-life balance? Every company approaches work-life balance differently. This question helps you gauge if the candidate’s expectations match your company’s stance.
  7. How would you describe your approach to teamwork? This question helps you understand whether the candidate is more independent or prefers constant collaboration, and if that matches your team's working style.
  8. Why do you want to work here? A candidate whose reasons align with your company’s mission and values will likely be more engaged and committed

The Recruiter's Interview Assistant: Noota

Want to stop worrying about note-taking ? By simplifying and automating the interview process, Noota helps recruiters and hiring managers make better, faster, and more informed decisions :

  • Interview Guidelines and Reminders: Noota provides reminders about the key questions you want to ask during the interview. This ensures that you cover all essential topics and follow the structured flow of the conversation. No more missing important questions due to the natural ebb and flow of the discussion.
  • Automatic Recording and Transcription: Forget scribbling notes during the interview. Noota automatically records and transcribes the entire conversation in real time. This frees you to fully engage with the candidate, building rapport and picking up on non-verbal cues. The detailed transcription also makes it easy to review what was said afterward without relying on memory or hastily written notes.
  • Structured Summaries: Instead of sifting through pages of notes or re-listening to recordings, Noota generates concise, structured summaries for each interview. These summaries highlight the key takeaways, strengths, and areas for improvement for each candidate, making it easy to compare candidates side by side.
  • Objective Evaluation with Custom Templates: Noota enables you to evaluate candidate responses using any interview method you prefer, such as the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique. You can customize your evaluation templates, ensuring a consistent and objective approach to assessing all candidates.

Want to make interviews smoother and more effective? Try Noota for free.

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Automatizza le trascrizioni delle interviste, genera report strutturati sui candidati e aggiorna i record ATS, eliminando le ore di lavoro manuale
Noota è in grado di analizzare le competenze e le competenze trasversali dei candidati?
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Quali piattaforme supporta Noota per la registrazione e la trascrizione?
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Noota si integra con CRM, ATS e strumenti di produttività?
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Noota può generare automaticamente email e report di follow-up?
Sì, redige le e-mail in base al contenuto della riunione e crea report strutturati, in modo da non perdere mai un elemento d'azione.
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Cos'è il riepilogo personalizzato e a cosa serve?
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Come funziona la registrazione, con o senza bot?
Puoi registrare in due modi: usando l'estensione Noota o collegando il tuo calendario.

Nel primo caso, puoi attivare direttamente la registrazione non appena ti unisci a una videoconferenza.

Nel secondo caso, puoi aggiungere un bot alla tua videoconferenza, che registrerà tutto.
Posso trascrivere e tradurre in un'altra lingua?
Sono disponibili per la trascrizione oltre 80 lingue e dialetti.

Noota ti consente anche di tradurre i tuoi file in oltre 30 lingue.
L'integrazione dei dati nel mio ATS è sicura?
Sì, i dati del colloquio vengono trasmessi in modo sicuro al tuo ATS.
Come funziona l'intelligenza conversazionale?
L'intelligenza conversazionale si basa sull'analisi della PNL delle parole e dell'intonazione utilizzate da ciascun partecipante per identificare le emozioni e le intuizioni comportamentali.
Perché è importante condurre interviste strutturate?
Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato l'accuratezza, l'efficienza e l'obiettività delle interviste strutturate. Ponendo a ciascun candidato le stesse domande nello stesso modo, semplifichi il processo di intervista e riduci l'influenza dei pregiudizi cognitivi.
Perché dovrei generare un rapporto di intervista?
Un rapporto di intervista aiuta a mettere in comune informazioni standardizzate sui candidati, condividerle con tutte le parti interessate e oggettivare la valutazione. Dati chiari e strutturati consentono di prendere decisioni di assunzione più informate.
Come vengono generati gli annunci di lavoro?
Il nostro generatore di annunci di lavoro sfrutta i più recenti LLM per trasformare i dati della riunione o del brief in una descrizione del lavoro accattivante e di facile lettura.
Devo cambiare il modo in cui conduco le interviste?
No, Noota è solo un assistente al tuo lavoro. Puoi continuare a condurre interviste come fai oggi. Per migliorare l'accuratezza del rapporto, è necessario personalizzare i modelli di intervista in base all'elenco di domande esistente.
Posso rimuovere i miei dati da Noota?
Sì, basta usare la funzione di cancellazione sulla nostra interfaccia ed entro 24 ore avremo eliminato questi dati dal nostro database.
Posso registrare le mie riunioni al telefono o di persona?
Sì, Noota include un registratore integrato per acquisire suoni dal computer e presto dal telefono.
I candidati hanno accesso alle note AI?
No, gestisci l'accessibilità dei dati che registri. Se vuoi condividerlo con loro come feedback, puoi farlo. Altrimenti, non sarà accessibile a loro.
Noota valuta i candidati?
No, Noota registra, trascrive e riassume le tue interviste. Ti aiuta a prendere decisioni informate con informazioni chiare sul candidato. Ma non sostituisce le tue capacità di giudizio e valutazione.