Annual General Meeting Minutes Template

Try out our built-in general meeting template to make sure you record everything decided and discussed


Meeting Information

  • Meeting Title: Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
  • Location: [Location or Video Conference Platform]
  • Organizer: [Name of the Meeting Organizer]
  • Chairperson: [Name]
  • Minute Taker: [Name]

Call to Order

  • Meeting Called by: [Name]
  • Meeting Start Time: [Time]
  • Quorum: [Note if a quorum is present]


List of Attendees:

  • [Name, Role]
  • [Name, Role]

List of Absentees:

  • [Name, Role]

Remote Participants:

  • [Name, Role] (if any)

Approval of Previous AGM Minutes

Motion to Approve Previous AGM Minutes:

  • Moved by: [Name]
  • Seconded by: [Name]
  • Vote Results:
    • For: [Number]
    • Against: [Number]
    • Abstain: [Number]

Chairperson’s Report

Summary of the Chairperson’s Report:

  • [Summary]

Financial Report

Summary of the Financial Report:

  • Presented by: [CFO/Finance Manager]
  • [Summary of financial performance, key figures, and statements]

Committee Reports

Report 1:

  • Presented by: [Name, Committee]
  • [Summary]

Report 2:

  • Presented by: [Name, Committee]
  • [Summary]

Election of Board Members

Introduction of Nominees:

  • [List of Nominees]

Voting Results:

  • Elected Members:
    • [Name, Role]
    • [Name, Role]

Term of Office:

  • [Duration]

Old Business

  • Discussion Points:
    • [Key Discussion Points]
  • Decisions Made:
    • [Decisions Made]
  • Follow-up Actions Required:
    • [Actions Required]
  • Responsible Persons and Deadlines:
    • [Name] - [Action] - [Deadline]

New Business

Agenda Items:

  • [New Agenda Items]

Key Points of Discussion:

  • [Key Discussion Points]

Motions Made and Results:

  • Motion: [Description of Motion]
    • Moved by: [Name]
    • Seconded by: [Name]
    • Vote Results:
      • For: [Number]
      • Against: [Number]
      • Abstain: [Number]

Assignments and Responsibilities:

  • [Assignments]


  • Time of Adjournment: [Time]
  • Next AGM Date and Time: [Date and Time]
  • Next AGM Location: [Location or Video Conference Platform]

Try this template

Why Maintaining Minutes of Your Annual General Meeting is Crucial

Maintaining minutes of your Annual General Meeting (AGM) is not just a regulatory formality but a critical practice for various reasons. Here’s why it is essential:

Legal Compliance and Protection

Minutes of the AGM serve as a formal record of the discussions, decisions, and resolutions passed during the meeting. This documentation is crucial for ensuring that the company complies with legal and regulatory requirements. Accurate minutes provide evidence that the company is conducting its affairs in accordance with corporate laws and regulations, thereby protecting the company from potential legal disputes and fines.

Accountability and Transparency

Meeting minutes ensure that all actions and decisions made during the AGM are transparent and recorded for future reference. They help hold the board of directors and shareholders accountable by documenting who was responsible for specific decisions and actions. This transparency builds trust among shareholders and other stakeholders by demonstrating that the company operates with integrity and openness.

Historical Record

Minutes provide a valuable historical record of the company’s activities, decisions, and strategic direction over time. This historical documentation can be essential for reviewing past performance, understanding the context of current strategies, and making informed decisions about the future. It serves as a comprehensive archive that can be referred to in subsequent meetings or during strategic planning sessions.

Facilitates Decision Making and Follow-Up

Well-maintained minutes help in tracking the progress of decisions made during the AGM. By documenting action items, responsible parties, and deadlines, minutes ensure that there is a clear follow-up process. This helps in monitoring the implementation of decisions and ensuring that agreed-upon actions are completed, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s governance.

Enhances Stakeholder Communication

Minutes from the AGM are often shared with shareholders who could not attend the meeting. This ensures that all stakeholders are informed about the company’s performance, strategic decisions, and future plans. Effective communication through detailed minutes helps in maintaining stakeholder engagement and support, which is vital for the company’s long-term success.

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