Interview Notes Template

Try out our built-in Noota template to record accurately and objectively your interviews and easily share the candidate date to your team.


Candidate Information

  • Candidate Name: [Full name of the candidate]
  • Position Applied For: [Exact title of the position]
  • Interview Date: [Date of the interview, format dd/mm/yyyy]
  • Interviewer(s): [Names of the interviewers]

Education and Background

  • Degrees and Institutions: [Notes on the candidate’s educational background]
  • Relevant Coursework/Certifications: [Any relevant courses or certifications mentioned]

Professional Experience

  • Previous Roles: [Notes on the candidate’s past job titles and companies]
  • Key Responsibilities: [Details on main responsibilities in previous roles]
  • Major Achievements: [Notable accomplishments in past positions]
  • Challenges Faced: [Any significant challenges and how they were handled]

Technical Skills

  • Tools/Technologies Used: [Specific tools and technologies the candidate is proficient in]
  • Projects Involving Technical Skills: [Examples of projects demonstrating technical abilities]

Soft Skills

  • Communication Skills: [Assessment of verbal and written communication skills]
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: [Examples of working in teams and collaborating with others]
  • Problem-Solving: [Notes on problem-solving abilities, including examples]
  • Leadership: [Any leadership experiences or potential]

Candidate’s Questions

  • Questions Asked by Candidate: [List of questions the candidate asked about the company or role]
  • Quality of Questions: [Assessment of the relevance and depth of the candidate’s questions]
  • Cultural Fit

    • Alignment with Company Values: [Notes on how well the candidate’s values align with the company’s]
    • Adaptability and Flexibility: [Examples of adaptability in previous roles]

    Salary Expectations and Availability

    • Salary Expectations: [Notes on the candidate’s salary requirements]
    • Availability: [When the candidate can start if hired]

    Overall Impressions

  • Strengths: [Summary of the candidate’s strengths]
  • Weaknesses: [Summary of areas where the candidate may need development]
  • Potential Red Flags: [Any potential issues or concerns]
  • Try this template

    The Importance of Taking Notes for Each Interview

    Taking detailed notes during each interview is a crucial practice that enhances the overall hiring process. Here’s why it is important :

    1. Ensures precise recall:

    Notes help maintain accurate records of what was discussed, minimizing the risk of forgetting or misremembering key details about a candidate’s responses and qualifications.

    2. Standardizes evaluation:

    By documenting each interview systematically, you ensure that all candidates are assessed using the same criteria, promoting fairness and consistency in the hiring process.

    3. Reduces bias:

    Notes provide a factual basis for evaluation, helping to counteract personal biases or impressions that might skew judgment, leading to more objective decision-making.

    4. Provides constructive feedback:

    Comprehensive notes enable you to give detailed and specific feedback to candidates who request it, which can improve their future performance and enhance your company's reputation.

    5. Supports legal documentation:

    In the event of disputes or legal challenges regarding the hiring process, detailed notes serve as valuable documentation to demonstrate that decisions were based on objective criteria.

    6. Team Communication :

    Sharing notes with other interviewers and hiring managers ensures everyone has access to the same information, aiding in collaborative decision-making and discussion.

    7. Future Reference

    Keeping notes from each interview creates a resource that can be referred to for future hiring needs, helping to identify suitable candidates for other positions.

    Key Elements to Include in Interview Notes

    When taking interview notes, it’s important to capture a range of elements that provide a comprehensive view of the candidate’s performance and suitability for the role. Here are the key elements to include :

    Candidate Information

    Document the candidate's name, the position they are applying for, and the date of the interview. This ensures that notes are organized and can be easily referenced later.

    Question Responses

    Record the candidate’s answers to each interview question. Summarize their main points, examples provided, and any particularly notable comments. This helps in evaluating their qualifications and suitability.

    Key Strengths

    Identify and note the candidate’s strengths. Highlight areas where they excel, such as specific skills, experiences, or attributes that align with the job requirements.

    Areas for Improvement

    Note any weaknesses or areas where the candidate needs development. This can include gaps in skills, lack of experience, or any concerns raised during the interview.

    Behavioral Observations

    Include observations about the candidate’s behavior, body language, and overall demeanor. This can provide insights into their interpersonal skills, confidence, and cultural fit.

    Technical Proficiency

    Assess and note the candidate’s technical skills relevant to the role. Record any technical questions asked and the candidate’s ability to answer them, as well as any practical demonstrations of their skills.

    Cultural Fit

    Evaluate and document the candidate’s alignment with the company’s culture and values. Note any comments or behaviors that indicate how well they might integrate into the team and organization.

    Questions from the Candidate

    Record any questions the candidate asks. This can provide insight into their interest in the role, their priorities, and how well they have researched the company.

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