Job Brief Template

Try out our built-in Noota job brief template to ensure you agree on your recruitment needs


Job Title:

  • [Clearly state the job title]
  • Company Overview:

    [Provide a brief description of your company, including mission, values, and culture]

    Role Purpose:

    [Describe why the position exists and its importance within the company]

    Key Responsibilities

    • Responsibility 1: [Brief description of the task or duty]
    • Responsibility 2: [Brief description of the task or duty]
    • Responsibility 3: [Brief description of the task or duty]
    • Responsibility 4: [Brief description of the task or duty]
    • Responsibility 5: [Brief description of the task or duty]

    Required Qualifications

    • Qualification 1: [Necessary educational background or certification]
    • Qualification 2: [Necessary educational background or certification]
    • Qualification 3: [Necessary educational background or certification]

    Preferred Skills and Experience

  • Preferred Skill 1: [Additional desirable skill]
  • Preferred Skill 2: [Additional desirable skill]
  • Preferred Experience 1: [Desirable experience]
  • Preferred Experience 2: [Desirable experience]
  • Salary and Benefits

    • Salary Range: $XX,000 - $XX,000
    • Benefits:
      • [Benefit 1, e.g., health insurance]
      • [Benefit 2, e.g., retirement plans]
      • [Benefit 3, e.g., paid time off]
      • [Benefit 4, e.g., professional development opportunities]

    Reporting Structure

  • Reports To: [Title of the person the candidate will report to]
  • Supervises: [Titles of the people who will report to the candidate, if any]
  • Start Date and Location

    • Expected Start Date: [Start date]
    • Work Location: [Location or mention if remote work is an option]

    Application Instructions

    [Clearly outline how candidates should apply, including required documents and deadlines]

    • Documents Required:
      • [Document 1, e.g., resume]
      • [Document 2, e.g., cover letter]
      • [Document 3, e.g., portfolio, if applicable]
    • Application Deadline: [Deadline date]
    • How to Apply: [Instructions on how to submit the application, e.g., email address or online application link]

    Try this template

    How to Align on a Job Brief

    Aligning on a job brief is crucial for ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear and unified understanding of the role requirements and expectations. Here are the key steps to effectively align :

    Identify Core Competencies and Skills

    Start by defining the essential skills, qualifications, and competencies required for the role. This should involve a thorough analysis of the job description and input from key stakeholders, including hiring managers and team leaders. Clearly outline both hard and soft skills needed for success in the position.

    Engage Key Stakeholders

    Involve all relevant parties in the creation of the job brief. This includes HR personnel, department heads, and potential team members who will work closely with the new hire. Gathering diverse perspectives ensures that the job brief covers all necessary aspects and addresses any potential concerns.

    Use Clear and Specific Language

    Write the job brief using clear, specific, and unambiguous language. Avoid jargon or overly technical terms unless they are essential for the role. This clarity helps in setting accurate expectations for potential candidates and reduces misunderstandings during the recruitment process.

    Include Measurable Objectives

    Incorporate measurable objectives and outcomes for the role. This includes specific goals that the new hire is expected to achieve within defined timeframes. Clearly stating these objectives helps candidates understand what is expected of them and allows for better performance tracking.

    Regularly Review and Update

    Regularly review and update the job brief to ensure it remains relevant and accurate. As organizational needs and market conditions change, the requirements for the role may also evolve. Keeping the job brief current ensures that you continue to attract the best candidates.

    Cross-Reference with Similar Roles

    Benchmark the job brief against similar roles within your industry. This helps ensure that your job description is competitive and comprehensive. It can also provide insights into industry standards and emerging trends that may impact the role.

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