Project Meeting Minutes Template

Try out our built-in Project Meeting Template to follow-up on the decisions and conversations with your project team


Meeting Information

Project Name: [Project]

Meeting Date: [Date]

Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]

Location: [Location/Video Conference Link]

Meeting Called by: [Name]

Purpose: [Specific Purpose of the Meeting]

Participants: [List of Participants]

Absent: [List of Absentees]

Project Status Update

  • Presented by: [Name]
  • Summary: [Current status of the project, including any milestones reached or pending]

Issues and Challenges

  • [Issue 1]
    • Discussion: [Brief summary]
    • Solutions Proposed: [Proposed solutions or actions]
  • [Issue 2]
    • Discussion: [Brief summary]
    • Solutions Proposed: [Proposed solutions or actions]

Action Items

  • [Action Item 1]
    • Task: [Specific task to be done]
    • Assigned To: [Person/Team responsible]
    • Deadline: [Completion date]
  • [Action Item 2]
    • Task: [Specific task to be done]
    • Assigned To: [Person/Team responsible]
    • Deadline: [Completion date]

Next Steps

  • [Next Step 1]: [Description]
  • [Next Step 2]: [Description]

Next Meeting:

Date: [Date]

Time: [Time]

Location: [Location/Link]

Try this template

Why You Should Always Keep and Share Minutes of Project Meetings

Maintaining and distributing minutes from project meetings is a critical practice that can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of project management. Here’s why it is so important:

Ensures Clear Communication

Meeting minutes provide a clear and detailed record of what was discussed, including decisions made and actions agreed upon. This is particularly important for those who could not attend the meeting, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and reducing the risk of miscommunication​​.

Enhances Accountability

By documenting action items, responsible parties, and deadlines, meeting minutes ensure that all team members are held accountable for their tasks. This accountability helps in tracking progress and ensures that commitments are followed through​.

Facilitates Follow-Up

Meeting minutes act as a reference point for follow-up discussions, making it easier to review what was previously discussed and to assess progress. This continuity is crucial for ongoing projects where multiple meetings occur over an extended period​.

Provides Legal Documentation

Minutes serve as an official record that can be referred to in case of disputes or legal inquiries. They provide evidence of decisions made and the rationale behind them, which can be invaluable for legal and compliance purposes​.

Improves Project Management

Detailed minutes help in identifying risks, tracking issues, and recording decisions, which are essential components of effective project management. This documentation allows project managers to monitor project health and make informed adjustments as needed​.

Enhances Transparency and Trust

Sharing meeting minutes with all stakeholders promotes transparency and builds trust within the team. It shows that the project is being managed openly and that all members are informed and involved in the process​.

Forget note-taking and save time in your meetings now!