1-on-1 Meeting Minutes Template

Try out our built-in 1-on-1 template to follow-up feedback and decisions made during your conversations with your team


1-on-1 Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting Information

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
  • Location: [Location or Video Conference Platform]
  • Attendees:
    • Employee: [Employee's Name]
    • Manager: [Manager's Name]

Meeting Objectives

  • Objective 1: [Brief description of the first objective]
  • Objective 2: [Brief description of the second objective]
  • Objective 3: [Brief description of the third objective, if any]
  • Discussion Topics

    Projects and Tasks:

    • [Discussion on current projects and tasks]
    • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
    • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
  • Key Achievements:
    • [Summary of key achievements since the last meeting]
    • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
    • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
  • Challenges and Roadblocks

    Issues Faced:

    • [Discussion on challenges and roadblocks]
    • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
    • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
  • Support Needed:
    • [Discussion on the support needed to overcome challenges]
    • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
    • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
  • Development and Goals

    • Professional Development:
      • [Discussion on training and development needs]
      • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
      • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
    • Short-Term Goals:
      • [Discussion on short-term goals]
      • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
      • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]
    • Long-Term Goals:
      • [Discussion on long-term goals]
      • Employee’s Comments: [Employee’s input]
      • Manager’s Feedback: [Manager’s feedback]

    Action Items and Next Steps

    • Action Item 1: [Description of the action item]
      • Responsible Person: [Employee or Manager]
      • Deadline: [Deadline]
    • Action Item 2: [Description of the action item]
      • Responsible Person: [Employee or Manager]
      • Deadline: [Deadline]

    Next Meeting

    • Date: [Date of the Next 1-on-1 Meeting]
    • Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
    • Location: [Location or Video Conference Platform]

    Try this template

    The Importance of Keeping and Sharing 1-on-1 Meeting Minutes

    Maintaining and sharing minutes from 1-on-1 meetings is an essential practice for fostering effective communication, accountability, and professional growth within an organization. Here’s why it’s crucial:

    Ensures Accountability

    Documenting the key points and action items from 1-on-1 meetings ensures that both parties are clear on their responsibilities and commitments. This accountability helps in tracking progress and makes it easier to follow up on tasks and goals discussed during the meetings​​.

    Enhances Communication

    Minutes serve as a reference point that helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that both parties are aligned. By sharing these notes, both the manager and the employee can revisit what was discussed and agreed upon, thereby reducing the risk of miscommunication​​.

    Facilitates Continuous Improvement

    Keeping detailed notes allows for ongoing performance tracking and professional development. Managers can review past meetings to identify patterns, track progress on goals, and provide more informed feedback. This continuous loop of feedback and development is crucial for employee growth and achieving long-term objectives​​.

    Builds Trust and Transparency

    Regularly sharing meeting minutes builds trust between managers and employees. It demonstrates that the manager values the employee’s contributions and is committed to their development. This practice also fosters a culture of transparency, where employees feel heard and understood​​.

    Provides a Historical Record

    Minutes act as a historical record of the discussions and decisions made during 1-on-1 meetings. This record is invaluable for future reference, especially during performance reviews or when there is a need to revisit past discussions. It ensures continuity even if there are changes in management or team structure​.

    Forget note-taking and save time in your meetings now!