Interview Meeting Agenda

Try our built-in Interview Agenda Template to make sure to not forget anything with your candidates


1. Welcome and Introduction

[Begin the interview by introducing the interviewers and the company, followed by a brief introduction of the candidate]

2. Overview of the Role

[Provide an overview of the position, including responsibilities, team structure, and expectations]

3. Candidate Background and Experience

[Discuss the candidate's background, work experience, and key accomplishments relevant to the role]

4. Technical Skills and Competency Assessment

[Evaluate the candidate's technical skills and competencies through questions or exercises relevant to the role]

5. Behavioral and Cultural Fit Questions

[Assess the candidate's fit with the company's culture and values through behavioral questions and situational examples]

6. Questions from the Candidate

[Allow the candidate to ask questions about the role, team, or company, providing them with more insights]

7. Next Steps in the Hiring Process

[Explain the next steps in the hiring process, including timelines, feedback expectations, and any additional interview rounds]

8. Closing Remarks

[Thank the candidate for their time, review any final points, and close the interview]

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Why have an agenda for your interviews ?

A structured interview agenda ensures that both interviewers and candidates have a productive and informative experience :

  1. Consistency in Evaluation: Following a structured agenda allows for consistent evaluation of all candidates, ensuring that each one is assessed based on the same criteria and questions.
  2. Efficiency: By organizing the interview into clear sections, this agenda ensures that all critical topics are covered within the allotted time.
  3. Candidate Experience: A clear agenda creates a positive candidate experience by providing them with a chance to ask questions and understand the role and company better.
  4. Transparency: Discussing next steps in the process sets clear expectations for the candidate, improving communication and transparency.

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