Job interview Report Template

Try Noota's built-in interview template to transcribe, summarize and evaluate your interviews in one click.


Candidate Information

  • Candidate Name: [Full name of the candidate]
  • Position Applied For: [Exact title of the position]
  • Interview Date: [Date of the interview, format dd/mm/yyyy]
  • Interviewer(s): [Names of the interviewers]

Candidate Background

  • Education and Initial Career Path:
    • [Degrees, universities, specializations]
  • Previous Professional Experiences:
    • [Job title] at [Company name] ([Duration]): [Brief description of responsibilities and achievements]

Candidate’s Professional Experiences

  • [Job title] at [Company name] ([Duration]):
    • [Detailed description of responsibilities, main tasks, and specific achievements]

Candidate’s Technical Skills

  • [List of technical skills specific to the position, mastered tools, relevant certifications]

Candidate’s Soft Skills

  • [List of behavioral skills, e.g., leadership, communication, teamwork, problem-solving]

Candidate’s Successes and Failures

  • Successes:
    • [Description of successful projects or initiatives, measurable impacts, recognition received]
  • Failures:
    • [Description of challenges or failures encountered, lessons learned]

Candidate’s Availability

  • [When is the candidate available to start if offered the position? Mention notice period if applicable]

Candidate’s Salary Expectations

  • [Desired salary range or specific conditions mentioned]


  • Question from the Company: [Specific question posed by the company]
  • Candidate’s Answer: [Summary of the candidate’s response]

Points to Watch

  • [List of concerns or attention points related to the candidate’s fit for the position or company culture]

Try this template

Why make a report for all your interviews ?

Creating an interview report for every interview is a crucial practice that offers numerous benefits for both the interviewer and the organization. Here are several compelling reasons why interview reports are essential:

1. Documentation and Record Keeping

Interview reports serve as a formal record of each candidate's evaluation process. This documentation is invaluable for future reference, especially when:

2. Consistency and Fairness

An interview report ensures that all candidates are evaluated based on the same criteria and standards. This promotes:

3. Improved Communication

Interview reports facilitate better communication among hiring team members. They help in:

4. Legal and Compliance Considerations

Maintaining comprehensive interview reports can help protect the organization legally. In the event of disputes or allegations of unfair hiring practices, detailed reports can:

5. Feedback and Improvement

Interview reports are a useful tool for continuous improvement within the hiring process. They allow:

Key Elements to Include in an Interview Report

Here are the key elements to include in an interview report:

1. Candidate Information

2. Interview Structure

3. Evaluation Criteria

4. Candidate Responses

5. Behavioral Attributes

6. Interviewer Notes

7. Recommendation

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