1-to-1 Meeting Agenda Template

Try out this 1-to-1 agenda template to better coach your employees and track their performance


Meeting Date and Time

[Provide the date and time of the 1-to-1 meeting]


[List the employee and the manager/coach attending the meeting]

Discussion Topics

[Topics the employee or manager would like to discuss during the meeting]

Key Updates Since Last Meeting

[Summarize key updates or changes since the last meeting]


[Highlight recent achievements or progress made by the employee]


[Discuss any current challenges or obstacles faced by the employee]

Short-Term Goals

[Outline the employee's short-term goals for the upcoming period]

Long-Term Goals

[Discuss the employee's long-term goals and career development]

Manager Feedback

[Provide feedback from the manager to the employee]

Employee Feedback

[Allow the employee to give feedback on the manager, team, or work environment]

Action Items (To-Do's)

[List any action items or tasks to be completed after the meeting]

Next Meeting

[Agree on the date and time for the next meeting]

Try this template

Why are 1-to-1 meeting agenda so useful ?

A 1-to-1 meeting agenda is an invaluable tool for fostering open communication, tracking progress, and promoting personal and professional growth.

  1. Structured Communication: A clear agenda provides structure to the conversation, ensuring that both parties can focus on the most important topics without losing track of time or missing key issues. It helps prevent the conversation from becoming unproductive or meandering.  
  2. Regular Check-Ins on Goals: By outlining both short-term and long-term goals, the 1-to-1 meeting agenda ensures that there is constant progress tracking. Both the employee and manager can assess whether goals are being met, and if any adjustments need to be made.
  3. Providing and Receiving Feedback: These agenda offer the perfect opportunity for managers to provide actionable feedback on performance, while also allowing employees to share their own feedback about their work environment or leadership. This two-way feedback fosters trust and improves engagement.
  4. Recognition of Achievements : Celebrating wins and acknowledging achievements is crucial for motivation. Having a dedicated time and agenda to review what has gone well since the last meeting keeps morale high and reinforces positive behaviors.  
  5. Action-Oriented: The action items section ensures accountability by documenting what needs to be done by whom and by when. It helps both the employee and the manager stay on track and accountable for agreed-upon tasks and initiatives.  

Forget note-taking and save time in your meetings now!