Annual Performance Review Template

Try our built-in Noota annual performance review templates to record every details of your annual conversations


General Information

  • Employee Name: [Employee's Name]
  • Position: [Employee's Position]
  • Department: [Employee's Department]
  • Reviewer(s): [Name(s) of Reviewer(s)]
  • Review Period: [Start Date] - [End Date]

Performance Summary

Overall Performance Rating: [Rating, e.g., Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Needs Improvement]

Key Achievements:

  • [Achievement 1]
  • [Achievement 2]
  • [Achievement 3]

Major Contributions:

  • [Contribution 1]
  • [Contribution 2]
  • [Contribution 3]

Goal Review

Previous Year's Goals:

  • Goal 1: [Description of Goal 1]
    • Outcome: [Achievement Status and Details]
  • Goal 2: [Description of Goal 2]
    • Outcome: [Achievement Status and Details]
  • Goal 3: [Description of Goal 3]
    • Outcome: [Achievement Status and Details]

Summary of Goal Achievement: [Brief summary of overall goal achievement]

Competency Evaluation

Technical Skills:

  • [Skill 1]: [Rating and Comments]
  • [Skill 2]: [Rating and Comments]
  • [Skill 3]: [Rating and Comments]

Soft Skills:

  • Communication: [Rating and Comments]
  • Teamwork: [Rating and Comments]
  • Problem-Solving: [Rating and Comments]
  • Adaptability: [Rating and Comments]


  • [Strength 1]
  • [Strength 2]
  • [Strength 3]

Areas for Improvement

  • Area 1: [Description and Suggestions for Improvement]
  • Area 2: [Description and Suggestions for Improvement]
  • Area 3: [Description and Suggestions for Improvement]

Development Plan

Training and Development Needs:

  • [Training Need 1]
  • [Training Need 2]
  • [Training Need 3]

Goals for the Upcoming Year:

  • Goal 1: [Description of Goal 1 and Expected Outcomes]
  • Goal 2: [Description of Goal 2 and Expected Outcomes]
  • Goal 3: [Description of Goal 3 and Expected Outcomes]

Employee Feedback

Employee's Comments:

  • [Employee's Comments and Feedback]

Employee's Suggestions for Improvement:

  • [Employee's Suggestions]

Try this template

The Importance of Making Minutes for Every Annual Performance Review

Creating minutes for every annual performance review is a critical practice that benefits both employees and the organization. Here’s why it’s essential:

Accurate Documentation

Minutes provide a precise record of the discussion, capturing the key points, feedback, goals, and agreed-upon action items. This documentation ensures that there is a clear, accurate reference for future evaluations, promotions, or disciplinary actions.


Recording the details of the performance review helps hold both the employee and management accountable. It ensures that both parties follow through on commitments, whether it’s an employee’s goal or a manager’s promise to provide resources or support.

Consistency and Fairness

Minutes ensure that all employees are evaluated consistently and fairly. By documenting each review in a structured manner, organizations can ensure that the same standards and criteria are applied to all employees, reducing the risk of bias or favoritism.

Legal Protection

In the event of disputes or legal challenges, having detailed minutes of performance reviews can provide crucial evidence that the organization followed proper procedures and treated the employee fairly. This can protect the organization from potential litigation.

Goal Tracking

Documenting the agreed-upon goals and action plans provides a clear roadmap for the employee’s development. It helps in setting measurable objectives and tracking progress throughout the year.

Reference for Future Reviews

Minutes from past reviews provide valuable context for future evaluations. They help in assessing long-term development and identifying consistent strengths or recurring issues, aiding in more informed decision-making.

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